Awarded Top Marketing Agencies 2021

Feb. 11 , 2021• Written By Melissa | Halfsquare Designs

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Many consider the internet as the great equalizer for businesses because you don’t need a big budget (or any budget) to get your name out there. But even that is changing as algorithms nowadays are beginning to favour businesses with deeper marketing budgets.

When we realized this a few years ago we wanted to step in and become the bridge for small business towards online success. Little did we know how big the demand actually was for the services that we offered. That demand and the consistency we managed to have in delivering customer satisfaction is what led us to being named a 2021 top marketing and advertising agency in Canada by Clutch.

It’s a unique honour for someone to be listed on Clutch's list. A big reason for that is because of how the platform works, a good position on Clutch means a good position given by clients and partners themselves. 

Our team is here to support business with all flavours of Content Marketing. Our goal is to give them the tools they need to be seen and compete. If you’re someone in need of this kind of support, contact us today and we’ll get started as soon as possible.

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